Dear Scouters, Some good info! John
Fellow Scouter,
We will be holding a College of
Commissioner Science in Northwest District in Columbia Falls on
Saturday, April 21, 2012. All four traditional programs
(Bachelor, Master, Postgraduate, and Doctor) will be offered, as
well as our two newer program tracks. These are a Roundtable
program, for anyone involved or interested in presenting
Roundtables, and a District Commissioner program, for District
Commissioners and anyone else interested in what a District
Commissioner does. In addition there will be four elective
classes offered. Each attendee will select one of the four to
attend. The fourth of the elective choices will be in a seminar
format for the discussion of situations that Commissioners may
deal with in their ongoing aid to the unit. Training in the use
of the online Unit Visitation Tracking System (UVTS) has been
incorporated into the Bachelor program and will no longer be
presented separately.
We would like to have as many as
possible register in advance, in order that we can be sure to
have adequate class materials for all. For the same reason we
are asking that each person select the elective preferred on the
registration form.
I cannot emphasize too much the
importance of registering in advance, by the deadline date,
which is April 6, 2012. We need to have a pretty good
idea in advance how many people will attend. The materials used
for the classes are prepared after the deadline date but in
advance of the College. Before that, only master sets of
materials exist. We need to know how many sets to prepare.
Most of the cost of the College is in the materials and the
food. We always prepare for a couple of extra, since usually a
few people just show up at the door, but we can only do this if
we already know about how many will come. If you plan to come
but cannot pay until the date of the College, please register in
advance and check the line on the form that you will pay at the
door. We can accommodate a few participants in this manner, as
long as we know that you are coming. However, please note that
if no one has signed up for a particular program by the deadline
date, that program will be cancelled and not offered at this
College session, although all other programs will proceed as
scheduled and the cancelled program will again be offered at the
next College session.
Please see the registration form
for details.
I encourage you to attend and to
share this with other interested Scouters.
(This replaces the February session
of the College held in previous years.)
Yours in Scouting,
Steve Bernbaum
Assistant Council Commissioner
Dean, College of Commissioner